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Social fiend

A person who has a constant need of acknowledgement when at a function or through social media

Emily was being a social fiend at your birthday dinner earlier

by Red rondo 1 June 2, 2018

Social Death Penalty

A much more elegant way of saying "getting cancelled", in the context of Cancel Culture specifically.

A notable figure: *says or does something against the accepted norm*

The Internet: We sentence this cretin to the Social Death Penalty.

by MDLuffy1234 April 13, 2023

Social Terraphist

A person who wants to make friends/be social but struggles with it and cant due to shyness/social anxiety

Person: That girl never is always around here but never talks. Probably a social terraphist.

by skaiperson_320 February 2, 2024

Social republicans

People who kill Indians and then suck them off and then spit on their mother’s grave

Hey you are a social republicans retared

by January 23, 2022

Social Commerce

Where consumers band together online to influence, collectively, the price of a good or service, a form of social shopping and reverse pricing.

A website or mobile app that reduces the prices of its products or services for every like or tweet that potential customers generate as a group is using a form of social commerce. Or when consumers get their friends to buy a sufficient number of ecommerce coupons, they are engaged in social commerce. In effect, consumers are banding together online to influence the price at which they are willing to buy and companies are paying their customers to do their marketing for them.

by ProfBruce April 17, 2011

Social Commerce

Where consumers band together online to influence, collectively, the price of a good or service, a form of social shopping.

A website or mobile app that, reduces its price for every like or tweet that potential customers generate as a group or where customers can get enough of their friends to buy ecommerce coupons, are engaged in forms of social commerce. In effect, consumers are banding together online to influence the price at which they are willing to buy and companies are paying their customers to do some marketing for them.

by ProfBruce April 2, 2011

Social crusader

Liberal extremists from California spreading their socialistic agenda to the rest of the western United States.

The damn social crusaders are invading Colorado

by King Blanco $420$ November 13, 2020