An Entertainment company founded by artist and producer DJ JC (Jacey Sherman) in San Antonio Texas specializing in event catering and DJ cultures from all over the United States. DJC Music is rated 5 stars on their Facebook page and offers state of the art customer service or your money back!
We are going to hire DJC Music for our event catering.
Our company is going to collaborate with DJC Music.
the inability to listen to a full song, or in some cases the need to repeat songs over and over until one with mdd is sick of it.
there is no cure.
jenny: hey scott, why did you skip that song? it wasnt at the end yet!
scott: sorry jenny, but i have music deficit disorder
White girl music is songs by artists such as Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Avril Lavigne, Miley Cyrus, Cher Lloyd, etc.
It's music that results in you putting up your hands and dancing like one of those air dancers.
Songs such as "Party in the USA", "Want U Back" and "Last Friday Night"
*TGIF In the background*
Coined by mostly black people but can be used by anyone. .Songs by white woman that had the best pop element. It’s different from regular white girl music like Taylor swift who doesn’t catch the essence of pop like songs like Panamore or Katy Perry. Their music feels like don’t have responsibilities and can just be free. Or something like that.
First time at a club and they played my favorite white girl music I was hyped.
are you so bored that you figured out my mac dock order and typed it in to urban dictionary
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Getting bounced from one bureaucracy to another to another ad nauseum, with not one of them actually helping you at all.
I wanted to get a free COVID-19 test done on me and was initially told that this one bureaucracy could do it. After I arrived over there, they told me they couldn't help me at all and that I had to go to this other department. After arriving at the second department, I was told that they couldn't help me as well and that my best bet was to just go to Walgreens or CVS. I just got done setting up an appointment with Walgreens. Hopefully, Walgreens can help me out. This whole game of musical bureaucracies totally sucks ass!
NCS (NoCopyrightSounds)
Goofy af 2015 youtuber music
*low quality NCS:Music Without Limitations song* hello guys how's it going today I'm going to teach you how to play minecraft in a singleplayer world, so all you do is to create a world, that's it