Wrapping your penis in toilet paper to prevent it from touching an unsanitary surface.
Yo man. I took a nap on the shitter today and went full mummy Dick cuz that bowl was nasty
Someone who likes muff and dick; a bisexual.
Dude he is a total muffin dick!
A nickname for a guy that is known to have trouble pleasing women. Women often cheat on him because of this.
Hey fickle dick I heard your girlfriend cheated on you.
Significant injury to ones penis.
After Elizabeth kicked Troy in the ballsack, Troy experienced dick trauma.
Having sex behind the dumpster of a bar.
I'm pretty sure those two are outside dumpster dicking.
When during sex you have to urinate so badly that you cannot maintain an erection.
Friend: "What happened last night man, girl told me you went limp?"
You: "Well I was pretty drunk and it happened so fast I didn't go to the bathroom when we got to my place."
Friend: "Uh oh"
You: "Yeah... I had pisskey dick real bad."
An action, intentional or not, that restricts someone from getting some. Often times this is motivated by feelings of jealousy and competitiveness.
A dick brick is an individual who engages in such actions.
I was so close to getting some, but Holland wouldn’t leave. She’s such a dick brick.