Word often used by maths teacher when u “click” the pens many times
Se non la smetti con quella cazzo si penna te la metto in culo (facoltativo; e te la rigiro)
The solfège syllables in order as the notes of a musical scale ascend, i.e.: C = do, D = re, E = mi, F = fa, G = sol, A = la, B = ti
Doe (Do!), a deer, a female deer
Ray (Re!), a drop of golden sun
Me (Mi!), a name I call myself
Far (Fa!), a long, long way to run
Sew (Sol!), a needle pulling thread
La (La!), a note to follow sol
Tea (Ti!), a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to do.
Do re mi fa sol la ti do!
A superhero who does not have powers and fighs crime as such. Of course Batman is not the instigiator of this trend, but he is one of the famous ones.
Looks like he's doing this a la Wayne
The best fucking song ever. You will die if you hear it.so good
Dude I love that song Havana farting la
de la salle boys are all below mid, unfunny and have never seen a girl before.
most of them either have mullets or super greasy curtains and reek of b.o and eachothers bedrooms.
de la salle? more like de la smell
they have big egos , think theyre the shit
De la salle boys #ghostsusamongus