A banal term people on the Internet use to express that they are emotionally touched or are genuinely using the term as a pathetic attempt to hide the fact that they are crying.
Titanic finishes:
No one:
That one guy in the movies: Cries* Who's cutting onions?
Me: Facepalms 🤦🏻 ♂️
The realization after a haircut that you really are that nigga!
..: You still looking in the mirror?
....: Yeah, that post-cut clarity hitting rn
Zeke is the definition of a wolf cut he looks like Eddie mudson when people want a wolf cut they ask for a Zeke special
Can I get a number six wolf cut zeke special
You needs to “Cut It”
“Cut it-you are way to high!” “Some one get me the scissors!”
“Someone give David the scissors, he is way to High! He need to cut it!”
“Cut it, you is way to high!”
in reference to cutting the cheese, as in farting, or making gas
ex. 1- i’ve been cutting it all day
ex. 2-
person 1.- dude ive been holding this thing in all day
person 2- man i am not listening to you cut it
person 1- you’re in luck ‘cause this gonna be silent but deadly