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Girls Just Wanna Have Rum

"Girls Just Wanna Have Rum" is when Cyndi Lauper, is drunk on beer! This is my joke, on her "Girls Just Wanna Have FuNn!"

Cyndi Lauper, has recently retired. She celebrates, with her friends, and sings: "Girls Just Wanna Have Rum"! Happy retirement, Cyndi Lauper! Your singing, has been, truly a blast!

by I'mcrazy August 9, 2024

i have witnesses

a cop out you use sometimes when someone else says they didnt do something you told them they did. sometimes it can happen because of drinking a lot over the years and it would make you think that. or if ur just drunk af. it can also happen because you just wanna fake rat on someone for fun.

guy 1: hey you broke my push broom!

guy 2: no i didnt because i dont remember it breaking when using it.

guy 1: i have witnesses!

guy 2: your crazy

guy 1: no im not!

guy 2: *talks under his breath* boy i bet he drinks alot!

by nobody else here October 23, 2017

Have you ever been brought to pound town via the rainbow road sans vaseline?

Translation: Have you ever been fucked in the ass without lube?

Leroy: Have you ever been brought to pound town via the rainbow road sans vaseline?
Carl: $20 is $20 and we’re in a recession.

by goldengrey1776 May 31, 2024

1👍 1👎

Not having Proof

Not Having proof means youre stupid ass little nigga monkey

Not having Proof*
He he he haw

by Cloudy69420 April 3, 2022

Have sex with your ex

November 8th.

Hey, Rebecca.

Hey, Ethan.

Do you know what day it is?

Know what day is it

Have sex with your ex day can fuck me?

by You're welcome 69 November 8, 2022

3👍 5👎

Shouldn't have been 'medicalized'

There it is! What did I tell you? 7 YEARS AGO I CALLED IT! HE SAID IT! I TOLD you dumb motherfuckers he wanted to do a Psycho-Pass! I TOLD YOU!

Hym "See!? He says it was 'mistake to medicalize those traits' and guess who disproportionately has those traits!? The

✌️✊️✌️Woke✌️✊️✌️ That's who! Are you woke? Who here is ✌️✊️✌️Woke✌️✊️✌️ ?See, those people are ✌️✊️✌️Evil✌️✊️✌️ and need to have their rights removed. He wants to do a Psycho-Pass! Called it! I fucking called it! Be HE described psychopaths and GUESS WHO DID ALL OF THE THINGS THAT HE CLAIMED PSYCHOPATHS DO? NOT ME! Moving around a lot. Absolutely refusing to do things he doesn't want to do (Even at the cost of child lives). Everything he said about Psychopaths UP UNTIL 2017 and NOW, well, he has a mOnOgAmOuS rElAtIoNsHiP! So none of that stuff applies. You don't get rights if you have the personality traits he doesn't like and if you have those traits, you need to be like Russell! You gotta do his incest cult to get your rights back (as a part of your 12 steps). CALLED! BLAMO! Look at that shit! Fucking NAILED IT! 7 years in advance! Shouldn't have been 'medicalized' because now you're entitled to treatment that his would REFUSE TO GIVE YOU IF LEFT UP TO HIM! Borderline personally disorder, Narcissistic personality disorder, Anti-Social personality disorder! ALL OF WHICH have crossover with ADHD and AUTISM, ASSBURGERS (According to Simon Baron-Cohen anexpert on this exact field of mental health). What did I fucking tell you? I know I'm talking about here."

by Hym Iam June 7, 2024

Have a good nap, Mr. President?

A remark heard frequently in da White House during da Reagan years.

Ron Headrest couldn't really serve very effectively as commander-in-chief if about da only interaction wif other humans was to reply to da question, "Have a good nap, Mr. President?" As da "Satire From The Capitol Steps" song quipped, "But what good's a president... oh, what good's a president... yea, what good's a president --- if all he does is sleep? Duh-dum-duh-dom-duh-dum-duh-dom-duh-dum --- dum --- DUHMMM!"

by QuacksO January 29, 2023