Source Code

Oh My Gudd

Word invented by the most g Dominican with a tape ever, Kristian Nunez(yes lady's he is taken by the most wonderful girl ever. then it was popularized by his most g best friend ever Nathalie Supulveda by taking out ay bay bay and putting in oh my gudd in the song.

im in the club hollin
oh my gudd
oh my gudd
oh my gudd
oh my gudd
oh my gudd

by i <3 vici January 14, 2008

3πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

oh yes, imagine

Translation: "Oh my goodness, imagine something as crazy as that!"
Used when a person preposes a crazy idea or when someone does something really stupid. It's an addictive phrase.

1: "That guy looks like he's gonna jump over the counter and hurt me..."

2. "Oh yes, Imagine he did and I bit him!"


Person B falls in the parking lot in front of his friends, gets up, dusts off, and says "Oh yes, imagine I never learned how to walk!"

by C Fajardo November 6, 2007

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

oh I’m sure

A word people named Hudson use and only people named Hudson

Boy: I am so tired
People named Hudson: oh I’m sure

by Coontorf January 22, 2022

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Oh shit oh fuck we’re all going to die by this virus

Origin of phrase originally from Wuhan China but very rapidly spread across the globe. Stay safe! And wash your hands!

Tucker- Hey Dale! Come over here look at this video about the Coronavirus!

Dale- β€œOh shit oh fuck we’re all going to die by this Virus”

by RIP Γ™wÚ January 28, 2020

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

oh dear god HELP...

What a person(s) say when they are close to their demise by offending some greater being such as Chuck Norris.

terrorist one: All right get me the bomb!
terrorist two: here it is haji...wait what is that?
haji(terrorist one): no worry just some hillbilly in a ha...
(terrorist one is suddenly ripped in half)
terrorist two: who are you?
Chuck Norris: Chuck Norris
terrorist two:oh dear god HELP...

by lluzam July 9, 2009

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Oh dear shes on a rampage!

usually said in a low saddened tone, when a female friend decides to engage estrogen overdrive and commence to getting physical roughly (i.e. she starts hitting the crap out of you for a stupid mistake on your part)

Mr. A (in kitchen) hey honey nice ass! (followed by a loud slap to the highly sensitive ass)

Mrs. L (enraged and estrogen flowing like Niagra Falls)

Mr. J (friend quietly witnessing the slaughter) Oh Dear shes on a rampage

Quietly watching the horrid events unfold, I could only mutter the humble words "Oh dear shes on a rampage".

Oh Dear shes on a rampage!

(Taken from the geico commerical with the talking syrup bottle saying "Oh dear someone has put a logo over my face")

by John Travis McLendon April 3, 2008

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Oh the hell you say

An expression of intense disagreement, dismissal, or incredulity.

Oh the hell you say! if it weren't for me this branch would have closed months ago!

by what do i care 125 November 27, 2020