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Wet Tee-Pee

The hilarious act of throwing wet toilet paper in a public bathroom. The targets are usualy at the ceiling tiles so that it gets wet and grows mold, but can be thrown at walls, stall doors, mirrors, people, ect.

No matter what the target is, its funny as hell, due to the fact that it is sticky and that "Splot" sound it makes when it hits walls.

It is not illegal, but if your caught doing it ESPECIALY at school, you will get in trouble or kicked out of the establishment(Stores only)

Doing this results in lots of laughs, and damage, but becomes highly addicting to the point that you do it every chance you get.

Its easy to get caught, but only if you lack aim, experiance, and skill.

Tanner: This math class is boring as hell!
Luke: Yeah. I should have brought my gun to take myself out of my misery in this damn class!
Andrew: Dont worry, when the next bell rings we can go wet tee-pee the bathroom
Tanner: Great idea!
Luke: Brilliant!!
Old hag ass teacher from china: And the weight of my fat ass+The number of chins i have equals OVER NINE THOUSENDDDDD!!!1

by Milkchat January 2, 2010

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wet dream roulette

wake up in the morning dying for a piss hold it in a beat one off at the point of ejaculation relax and see what comes out.

had to wash my sheets last night after playing a messy game wet dream roulette

by swampy55 July 20, 2008

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wet t-shirt

When a bitch is wearin a white t shirt and it aint lookin like shes gotta bra and on jus poor some water on her for a free show.

girl: Look at my new white t shirt i jus stole from my husband after i forced him to fuck me all night!

guy: yo bitch i think thatll go good w some water * poor a bucket of water on her breast area *

women: hey everyone look at my hot large visible breasts through my wet ass t shirt!

by YO MY HO February 25, 2003

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Wet Willy Wonka

When a guy withdraws his penis out of anal sex and inserts it in her ear and twist it around making it wet from seamen and Sh*#.

Dude i gave this chick a Wet Willy Wonka last night. It was sick there was my future children and her food from last night in her ear.

by M.O.BitChEz. July 15, 2010

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sopping wet fanny

Sopping wet fanny is an insult to be bestowed upon an Alderley Edge homie, acting in a particularly girly or stupidic way

"Shoop, you sopping wet fanny"
Adamantly, in reply to a stupid question, or an act of total stupidity, basically representing a 'no' or 'shoop': "I'll smoke your sopping wet fanny"

by BrynD September 26, 2006

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interesting as a wet sponge

Extremely boring.

Joe: Yesterday I took a nap. Then I couldn't sleep that night.
Lissy: Wow Joe, you're about as interesting as a wet sponge.

by Lonesome Cowgirl April 5, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Inadvertent Wet Spot

The wet spot on the front of pants that is actually from splashed water when washing hands, yet that appears mysteriously like a urine spot.

"No it's not pee, it's just an inadvertent wet spot."

by Time Arrow April 8, 2009

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