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It doesn't matter what other people think

All that matters is what I think. So, I'm going to get people think what I think and then... By making shit up. I spoke to the creature!

Hym " It doesn't matter what other people think' is probably the most solipsistic thought you can have. I need a theory name for my solipsism thing... OH! Religious blight theory. That'll be what it's called. Until they think you're a pedophile. Until they think they can get away with robbing you. Until they murder your kids. And then that will be the only then that matters."

by Hym Iam April 9, 2024

Hangover people

People that make you feel as if you have a hangover after you spend time with them. Often times you feel exhausted or have a headache after social in counters with them.

Person 1#: After spending time with Jessica, I feel exhausted.
Person 2# :Jessica is a hangover person(hangover people) .

by Ninjakitb June 4, 2021

amazing idea to flip people off

……..…../´¯/)………… (\¯`\
…………/….//……….. …\\….\
………../….//………… ….\\….\
…../´¯/…./´¯\………../¯ `\….\¯`\
.././…/…./…./.|_……_| .\….\….\…\.\..
(.(….(….(…./.)..)..(..(. \….)….)….)… )
.\…………….\/…/….\. ..\/……………./
..\…………….. /……..\……………..…/

"Man, This is a totally amazing idea to flip people off! To the haters!

by notaguyontheinternet March 16, 2022

Rusty white people

White people in the " Rust Belt " that voted for Trump

Those rusty white people got Trump elected

by TrumpingTrump November 29, 2016

People are starting to get edgy

I read today on Yahoo! Finance that we hit the debt ceiling.

Not really sure what that means; but people seem to be freaking out and getting a little edgy. People seem under pressure.

So am I. But I’m really just confused. Maybe I have it better than most, I don’t know.

If crime in this country starts to pick up and skyrocket in the next few days just like in COVID pandemic, then I will probably know for sure.

People are starting to get edgy

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker January 19, 2023

People Artist

People Artists are people who use People Playground to make art.

People Artist: Heyo!
Person 2: Oh hello People Artist! How are you doing?
People Artist: I’m doing great! I’m just going to make some more art in People Playground!

by DillonVentures January 4, 2020

Passive Peopling

To be forced into a situation where you have to interact with other human beings because your friend likes to socialise and you're along for the ride.

Passive Peopling/ To passively people:
To be in a social situation due to a friend where you are forced to interact with other human beings. Like passive smoking,you don't choose it but you have no choice but to absorb the residue.

by January 29, 2023