The Snake is the bringer of wisdom and the true mediator between the Pope and the Phubs. He is wise beyond his years and equally agelast.
The snake, referring to the animal snake which is a symbol for betraying or snitching, is a nickname for Kevin Durant (short KD).
Person A: Have you seen KD stepping on the line 3 point line at his clutch shot?
Person B: Yes the Snake just has hockeysticks as feet.
Person A: Yeah but he's still a great player.
Person B: Thats true.
Cutting your tongue into to parts so you can lick the ass and pussy at the same time
Dude I got the snake so I could like her ass and pussy at the same time
A clown's way of saying, I need to take a shit
Clown: "Those tacos and hotdogs went right through me, I got to go honk out a dirt snake"
5👍 1👎
When you stick you hand down her throat out the ass and grab the pussy.
"Bro last night I hit this girl with the Tennessee Tunnel Snake, she wasn't ready for it."
"That's wild"
When you're low on self esteem due to all the hardcore blow you did in your early days. And you're homeless and cant get away from all the hostility
Cuh was snake bit in his home!!!!!
A yellow-haired crybaby from Metal Gear series, a part of Les Enfants Terribles. While being one of Big Boss' clones he acts like an absolute crybaby in MGS 1 due to "having recessive genes", although he had the dominating ones.
"Ask tHe fatHer That you kiLleD!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll seNd yoU to Hell TO MEET HIM!" - Liquid to his brother, Solid Snake
"I'lL SeND You back to HELLLL!!!!!" - Liquid to Gray Fox, a cyborg ninja in the game
A: Yo man I got beaten up by my brother because he had been screaming that "MoM GivEs you morE attEntion thaN to Me" even though it isn't so
B: Wow this is such a Liquid Snake moment