The Strongest Out Of The Big 4 Group
“Oh No!”
“It’s Escalucha Big!”
Many think that we are all inside the Milky Way. That is, however, incorrect. We are actually all inside of Big Bird. This entire "galaxy" is actually just Big Bird. He vored us all a long time ago, and scientists are still wondering how it was possible.
Wow! I can't believe Big Bird can vore that many people at once!
Is a tall oaky person that is very tall in hight & a dork like BIG BIRD from Sesame Street u use this slang when u are making fun of a extra tall person that is also a dork & freakishly tall
Do y'all see this BIG BIRD ass bitch! Big BIRD almost hit her head.
When you figure out what someone will do before they do it.
Dude saw that from a mile, big reads.
Knew that was gonna happen, big reads.
Describes a huge dong in a cute fashion. Can be used for women genitals as well in the right context.
That's a big poi right there.