The distant cousin of the grog-bog. The Charlie Gnarlie is the action of dropping the kids off at the pool. Unlike the grog-bog the Charlie Gnarlie is induced by the consumption of a white powder that goes by the name Charles.
I just had the meanest Charlie Gnarlie, I wouldn't go in there!
To swing something, such as a bag, around your shoulder before throwing, or whipping, it.
I just charlie whipped this trashbag of dog shit into my neighbors yard for being an asshole
Where Charlie’s Angels come to think, pray, and ask for forgiveness from the Charlie god.
I’m gonna go to the Church of Charlie so that badass is forgiven
Some white kid who rocks beanies and gets called disgusting because he had a addiction to bring a cunt
charlie reeves is probably smelly but idk i haven’t seen him in months