2 sexainches.
2 fuckainches.
2 hexacontaenneainches.
1 hectatriacontaoctainch.
Because 69 x 2 = 138.
If 2 people 5 feet 9 inches tall stood on top of each other, that would make 11 and a half feet.
n. That one coworker who pours all but the last half cup of coffee out of the pot, then places it back on the burner so A. It burns up, leaving the entire office smelling of rank ass burnt up coffee or B. The next person who comes along has to brew a fresh pot.
I could tell by the smell of burning ass when I walked in this morning that the Half Cup Bandit had struck again.
When you shave one side of your pubes and leave the other side hairy.
“Damn dude that’s a nice half sasquatch”
Half a bender, a slang / derogatory term for a metrosexual man.
Man 1 " tried my new moisturiser last night, face proper smooth"
Man 2 " fuck off, you turned half a bender or sumthink?"
When you’re not quite drunk yet but you also wouldn’t say you’re sober
Halfway to drunk
Buddy and I were already half canned on whiskey when we hit the bars