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Baby bear moment

when something happens and it works out just right

Wow its the perfect temperature today
Yah man its definitely a baby bear moment.

by Grimm Brothers March 26, 2011

Sensitive Songwriter Moment

This is a cliché musical arranging technique started in the 2000s in which the chorus of a song is delivered in a hushed overly sentimental style followed by the entire band coming back in for an extra loud chorus. Abbreviation “SSM

After the bridge, everyone drop out, I’m gonna have a Sensitive Songwriter Moment and then we’ll hit ‘em with the last chorus.

by ZaxxonPaxxil May 4, 2021

big pp moment

A moment when something is epic. A small pp moment meaning unepic, pretty much the opposite.

person 1: "Dude my friend bought me GTA V"
person 2: "big pp moment"

by VeuIla September 25, 2020

Triple-Sheesh Moment

When something is busting on a new level

Bro, your hand job was a triple-sheesh moment

by Lord of the Straights May 7, 2021

Compounding nigga moment

A moment where ignorance overwhelms the logic of an otherwise rational negro, and that ignorance then overwhelms another rational negro nearby until all negros in the vicinity are in a "nigga moment".

We were in the middle of a grief counciling session when a black girl got up and started talking about how she felt and how she didn't like some of the people she works with and about how we have "cliques" all the while getting further and further off topic and louder and louder in a full blown "nigga moment"... Next thing I know all the black people in the room are yelling at each other. Hence a "compounding nigga moment".

by Extra Ozzy February 25, 2016

Light Yagami moment

When you have to think something out on the level of light yagami. Aka, unnecessary overthinking something.

“Ugh bro every time I interact with my mom I have to have a light yagami moment”

by SaladGrapes January 25, 2023

Red carpet moment

When a woman has a moment of pure rage caused by her menstrual cycle.

Angie had a red carpet moment when I left the toilet seat up

by nyjyrk January 17, 2010