Something that can not be resisted by the gods, something so, incredibly, very delicious just thinking about can make your mouth water.
"Dude, is that a big turd? Ya'know, I'm getting pretty hungry all of the sudden..."
The smell of shit vibrating off a loved ones brown fury tongue.
Don't breath turd tongue, its like luggage point!
"flipping turds" is essentially another way of saying nervous, worried or scared. The origin stems from the feeling that you get in your stomach when feeling any of those things and it's presumed similarity with what a turd would feel like if it were flipping around in your guts...
"I'm sure Pam is already flipping turds thinking about driving in this snow"
Fisting a butt.
People that catfish with their hands only is call noodling.
She walking like her dude be a turd noodler.
The preferred turd is the least worst option from a horrible selection.
Bob's could decide who his preferred turd is when answering the question "Who's your favourite between Stalin and Hitler"
An overly expressive free spirited gay person who takes a risk of his own safety and engages in expressing his interest verbally and by touching or grabbing the ass or groin area of individuals who are heterosexual.
As I stood beside my girlfriend a man gently grabbed my ass and quietly whispered in my ear, "She don't know how to give you a shimmer johnson, but I do", I quickly realized I was the target of a turd tampin hammer grabber.
Hurse Turd - A hot poo melted by hot ashphalt
I asked her/him to come over and drop a Hurse Turd on my driveway, for a photo shoot.