An event where a person or group is publicly advised of their shortcomings. Often in an abrupt and humiliating manner.
Late 20th century coinage pertaining to a band from the UK named Five Star and a phone-in interview on a popular UK childrens television show in the late 1980s.
On national TV:
Sarah Greene: OK Eliot, what's your question:
Caller: I would just like to ask Five Star WHY THEY'RE SO FUCKING CRAP, FUCKING... <cuts out>.
That is a Five Star moment, they never really recovered from that. If you find the youtube clip, watch for the girl in black sat immediately to the right of them trying not to piss herself -TV gold!
A moment where ignorance overwhelms the logic of an otherwise rational negro, and that ignorance then overwhelms another rational negro nearby until all negros in the vicinity are in a "nigga moment".
We were in the middle of a grief counciling session when a black girl got up and started talking about how she felt and how she didn't like some of the people she works with and about how we have "cliques" all the while getting further and further off topic and louder and louder in a full blown "nigga moment"... Next thing I know all the black people in the room are yelling at each other. Hence a "compounding nigga moment".
When you have to think something out on the level of light yagami. Aka, unnecessary overthinking something.
“Ugh bro every time I interact with my mom I have to have a light yagami moment”
When a woman has a moment of pure rage caused by her menstrual cycle.
Angie had a red carpet moment when I left the toilet seat up
When a mature Star Wars fan evaluates their childhood nostalgia and recognizes that there are awful parts of the franchise.
After watching Episode VII: Return of the Jedi with his son, Bobby had a Come-to-Ewok moment and realized that the ewoks, were in fact, not awesome.
When something has happened to somene else whether it's good or bad.
You just divorced your wife, what a Nae Nae Moment.
Bruh moment but better.
Mom:why is there a jar of poop in your bag?
Me:*da baby moment*