Source Code

Raining Fire and Brimstone

When a woman begins menstruation while taking a crap.

"Damn girlfriend! Angie didn't flush and she must have been raining fire and brimstone by the judge of this crime scene!"

by Omniest January 9, 2013

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Amazon Fire Fighter

while having sexual intercourse, when one is about to cum, you light your womans pubes on fire, and then procede to put the fire out with your jizz

i did the amazon fire fighter last night

by Big Dick1 September 27, 2009

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alaskan fire clump

a frozen sample of period blood with some blood clots, that is un-frozen by fire, then used in strawberry fruitistas at taco bell then sold to lovely, un-knowing customers (:

taco bell employee: what can i get for you?

customer: yes i'd like one strawberry fruitista ,extra strawberries

employee: alright, *yells to the back* one alaskan fire clump, extra blood clots!

by taco burritooo October 13, 2010

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set sex on fire

to indulge in activities that would arouse intense sexual feelings among people.

At the bachelors' party, he set sex on fire and the party virtually turned into a sex party.

by uttam maharjan August 26, 2011

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fire team charlie

a really shitty machinima out there made by Canadians.

They produce their episodes out of sequence.

by anon February 18, 2005

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fire in da hole

used when expressing an immediate need to vacate the area, due to a eye-tearing sage (see 'sage' for definition)

background: you and your buddies are enjoying a nice meal of refired beans, saucerkraut, and hot peppers, when suddenly....

" sage!! ooops - FIRE IN DA HOLE !!!!" he exclaimed while proceedingto the toilet to 'freshen up'

by joe shit the rag man April 18, 2004

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Cambodian fire drill

When a whole lot of asians take a dump at the same time.

man, manufacturing set off a Cambodian fire drill, HASMAT came out and everything!!

by JW SEATTLE July 26, 2006

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