Slang for "I will fuck you up"
"Come this way bro I got talent bro!"
“am i supposed to get horny off of this or something” yea nathaly got a big purrr
Textology, derived from the texting term: Str82VM, which means 'Straight to voicemail'. It's used when you call someone and their phone doesn't ring, rather it goes straight to voicemail.
Dude1: Hey Rod, I was just down at the store and I thought I saw your girl gettin in some dude's car. Looked like she was creepin'!
Dude2: Bitch, stop playin'! Can't play like that!
Dude1: Call her then and see what's up!
Dude2: Bet! (he calls his girl, but phone goes straight to voicemail). Damn! Phone didn't even ring!
Dude1: Daaaaammmmnnn! That chic 82'd ya ass! She creepin!
Dude2: Shit! I got 82'd!
a cheerful response after a sick burn, joke, or an exciting/funny sequence of events.
Friend: *says awesome yo mama joke*
Me: got e
Got ' Em is used as a , got em is a phrase said in triumph after successfully tricking someone, pulling off a prank, or making a joke at someone else's expense.
When they walked away with those$200 dollar teddy bear that they wouldn't have had to pay for if they didn't win because if you don't win you don't pay. Got Em!!!
To be kicked.
"I heard you broke up with Sara."
"Yeah. She got the foot."
When someone is being an ignorant scumbag and is acting like an annoying grump for no apparent reason.
Jake: Hey broskie, wanna head to the fair with me in a bit
Chris: No bro, piss the fuck off!
Jake: Jeez man, Who got your balls in a knot?