An alcoholic mixed drink consisting of ginger ale and spiced rum (preferably Captain Morgan).
Man, this rum and cola has been tearing up my stomach. It sounds like you need a Hard Ginger, instead. All the fun of spiced rum with ginger ale to settle your stomach!
yoooo yarg farg ur mum has a hard yard.
A descriptive term relating to a difficult and often sudden end to a relationship
I had really fallen for Mark and thought we were going to get married then he dumped me and I've been devastated since. It was a hard exit for sure.
a slang term often used by a religion teacher. used to describe the lifestyle of mid-evil cowboys.
To that I say ride em' hard and leave em' wet
Look at that cowboy ride.
he sure knows how to "ride em' hard leave em' wet"
Refers to a time when you trained martial arts, but didn't have access to martial arts classes and did all your training in the front yard.
Also it's about making stuff happen when you have very little.
The expression was coined by a member of the group Da'Mon Stith trains with. First recorded use was by Da'Mon Stith in a Facebook livestream on 7th July 2020.
"Tell us about when you first started martial arts."
"It was all frontyard hard where I was a kid."
A hard man squad is a group of teenagers or young men, typically wearing tracksuits, who act like badmen. Hard man squads are usually unemployed and their common activities include: smoking weed, drinking, smoking, shoplifting, vandalism, and trying to start fights. Typical language used by hard man squads include "blud", "spliff", "wanker", "bruv", "wogwan", "innit" and "sick". Hard man squads can be found in locations such as alleyways, under bridges, council estates and tesco car parks
Oi, did you see that hard man squad down lodge farm estate?
A group of teenagers or young men, typically wearing tracksuits, who act like badmen. Typical activities of a hard man squad include smoking weed, drinking, vandalism, swearing at you for no reason and trying to start fights. Typical hard man squad members are unemployed, drive crappy chav cars and at least one member of a squad must have a staffy. Language used by hard man squads include "wanker", "blud", "sick", "wogwan", "spliff" and "bruv". Hard man squads can be found in alleyways, under bridges, street corners, and tesco car parks.
Wow, check out those bellends from that hard man squad.