The long lost Pancake gamer god
Oh my god! Are you watching The Pancakes Youtube channel!? The long lost gamer god?!
The long lost Pancake gamer god The Pancake God
1) a. The "god" of prostates (as hailed by both men and women-- yes, we all have this gland; cf. JNCI) or the god-like providence of such an erogenous gland. b. The protector god of anal pleasure. c. The protector bunny-god of LGBTQ or Alternaqueer communities.
2) a. The figurative OMG moment during prostate stimulation, typical during anal sex, when his/her Holy Spirit can be felt best. b. Via prostate stimulation, the spiritual, existential or ecstatically all-encompassing feeling of pleasure, eye-rolling chills, and of life being worthwhile and having meaningful purpose.
3) Tu'er Shen (Chinese: ???, The Leveret Spirit) or Tu Shen (Chinese: ??, The Rabbit God), is a Chinese deity who manages the love and sex between homosexual men. His name literally means "rabbit deity" (cf. Wikipedia)
"...prone before the prostate god, I discovered the all-powerful P-Spot"
"Now, after many years of practice, and with the help of technological advancements, I can feel the presence of the prostate god even in public!"
Something that's out of your hands, which you have to leave up to chance. Also the name of two dope ass Queen songs.
Dude: "Alright, I just sent my resume to the employment office. Whether I get accepted or not is in the lap of the gods."
The most indestructible thing on the planet, behind the Jeep Cherokee XJ. Created by first making a Prince Rupert's Drop, then melting off the tail. The head of a PRD is indestructible, but any damage to its tail will shatter it; removing the tail leaves only the head, making it impossible to break.
I made a God's Tear for science, and now I've broken many hammers trying to break it.
An awesome Webtoon about god's life and such
Person 1: Do you know Adventures of God?
Me: I love you, you are my New favourite person
A god of death
A.k.a Shinagami
I dont have a example for the word death god
Masturbating during church and busting your load all over either the priest or a statue of Jesus.
I got banned from most Catholic churches because I keep blinding the gods with my excessive discharge