The state of a sock after being ejaculated into
I had so many sock bones to pick up in my sons room.
The abrasions received on a guys penis from the unwelcome friction created during a extended sexual encounter with a chick who has a not groomed her pubic area recently.
A problem that was more prevalent during the 1980's "untamed bush" era.
Hey bro. Did you end up dogging the chick I saw you with at the party the other night? Yeah man. We fucked like porn stars. I ended up with a case of Bone Burn that the medical journals would be proud to feature.
A really bad pronouncation of the French word bon voyage.
When you and your partner(s) get as high as you can and then have sexual relations until every party involved has an orgasm before the first party passes out.
Person 1: I got some weed and viagra.
Person 2: I love you man but not like that!
Person 1: Nah, it's for me and my girl.
Person 2: So what? Are you all gonna Stone N Bone?
Person 1: Fuck yeah!!!
To be stoned to the bone
Omg I am boned. You know stoned to the bone?
To be losing really bad at chess
she took my queen with a pawn? I’m getting boned here