when something is is stupid or something happens in life that is stupid
walking by something and you bump into a water bottle it falls that’s LESBIAN TALK
if someone is see-talking it means they claim they do stuff they see other people do.
(Personally have ran into bunch of people like this)...
1: *see person doing a backflips* I do that all the time too (lier).
2: Stop see-talking...
Ole Kentucky saying to go smoke weed while non smokers are around
Hey Jim I’m talking to frank and to join the conversation
Talking total rubbish which is basically bollocks!
Someone who goes on and on and it’s just not needed “bollock talk”
May sound innocent. but can mean anything from "your mother died" to " you need to stop snorting cocaine. It's ruining the funeral"
Her: we need to talk.
Him: is it about the crocs in bed?
Her: "iS It aBouT tHe crOcS iN bED" ofcourse it'ss about the crocs allen.
The most powerful spell from the book Arcanis Arcanum Vol. VIII. It has 12 chapters describing it. It said it could break anything, relationships, the Earth and the Universe. Practice of this spell is actually legal. If someone chants it, that means ur screwed.
Susan: We need to talk.
The universe: *explodes*
It's over, back you bags. You're screwed.
We need to talk, I'm seeing another man.