Source Code


Block & Report

When someone is being annoying on text, a random guy is dming you and you just want to fuck him off.

-hey babe? Send nudes
-block & report

-wanna see a DP ?


by Lauaries December 19, 2018


Born and raised

State of origin- B&R

by BalockayBEE August 19, 2021


The place where people get caught capping

reddit user no 1: bro my dad is the owner of reddit he'll ban you
reddit user no 2: r/quityourbullshit

by Freshbaked_bred June 26, 2023

daniel r

gay usually eats lots of guy parts

hey look at daniel r he is so gay

by saddiesssasdf August 18, 2021


Rough nasty sex shortened by R-N-S.

When you and your girl know how its suppose to be done....you can have rough,nasty,sex! Like no others! R-N-S

by Tatum12 December 26, 2020

Matthew R. D.

The most amazing, best looking, and coolest guy in the world. He is the coolest person you will ever meet, like ever. And did I mention that he is awesome!

MATTHEW IS THE COOLEST GUY EVER! Matthew R. D. is epic!!!!!!

by MaximusMasters May 19, 2015


A subreddit filled with raged children who mald over one positive/negative of mini crewmates or their haters, named like that to troll mini crewmate simps

Person 1: What do you think of Mini Crewmates?
Person 2: They all suck
Person 1: Then join r/minicrewmatelove
Person 2: hell no it's actually a mini crewmate lover subreddit

by ammowrites May 13, 2023