Block & Report
When someone is being annoying on text, a random guy is dming you and you just want to fuck him off.
-hey babe? Send nudes
-block & report
-wanna see a DP ?
The place where people get caught capping
reddit user no 1: bro my dad is the owner of reddit he'll ban you
reddit user no 2: r/quityourbullshit
gay usually eats lots of guy parts
hey look at daniel r he is so gay
Rough nasty sex shortened by R-N-S.
When you and your girl know how its suppose to be can have rough,nasty,sex! Like no others! R-N-S
The most amazing, best looking, and coolest guy in the world. He is the coolest person you will ever meet, like ever. And did I mention that he is awesome!
MATTHEW IS THE COOLEST GUY EVER! Matthew R. D. is epic!!!!!!
A subreddit filled with raged children who mald over one positive/negative of mini crewmates or their haters, named like that to troll mini crewmate simps
Person 1: What do you think of Mini Crewmates?
Person 2: They all suck
Person 1: Then join r/minicrewmatelove
Person 2: hell no it's actually a mini crewmate lover subreddit