On May 7th every person who got s€xu@lly assaulted/ r@ped is allowed to legally kill their rapists/ assaulters :)
Random:” Hey what’s today?”
Random 2:” Today is National “kill all r@pists” day! Have fun and be as brutal as you want because the deserve it!”
When someone puts on either speedos, but huggers, panties, or other revealing underpants. then puts both hands on thier head, looks you straight in the eyes, and then moves their hips in a circular motion.
Dannng! After the fight, Dude gave him the "The Triple R". yo!
This is a subreddit made for some limited members. It is a place where nallas (useless people) and simps gather around to make memes, post their thoughts, etc.
But it mostly remains dead.
r/NallasAurSimps is a very nice subreddit and the members are very wholesome.
This is a subreddit made for some limited members. It is a place where nallas (useless people) and simps gather around to make memes, post their thoughts, etc.
But it mostly remains dead.
r/NallasAurSimps is a very nice subreddit and the members are very wholesome
This is a subreddit made for some limited members. It is a place where nallas (useless people) and simps gather around to make memes, post their thoughts, etc.
But it mostly remains dead.
r/NallasAurSimps is a very fun subreddit and the members are very wholesome.
An acronym? Or abbreviation? Letters, words, a sentence?
"D'ya try, um, U-y X-z? New generation social network.
Connection innovative focused on community! =)"
You are why I exist -U R Y I X S Z
a phrase people say when a person wants to express his opinion which involves the rapper R kelly leaving jail
Mike: “what’s your opinion on the R kelly case?”
john:”man free R kelly he did nothing wrong”
5👍 2👎