That guy who said he was going to the store for milk and never came back
Timmy's dad lest to get milk and never came back.
me:hi dad
dad:ima go get some milk
me:but dad we already have 8 jugs of milk
dad: ``walks out house''
Some bitch from hell that can be generous and trick you into believing he is a good person but in reality, your dad is a narcissistic bitch who only thinks of himself.
My dad is a complete idiot can I pls borrow someone else's dad for a full month.
(V.) to create an environment for friends or family that makes you seem like a megacunt for bossing someone else around extremely
Your brother is cool and call, but if you dont stop smoking weed he is going to dad you and ruin the mood
The most caring, sweet, and understanding person I know. He is always up on his feet for his family, making sure we are all happy and safe.
He is patient and understanding toward his family. He does things he doesn't want to do for his family, like playing Fashion Famous with me.
We give him a hard time and call him names like Big Jenny or Lemon. But, he isn't any of those things. Or we will make fun of him and his dog. But, we all know he loves us more. And I just want him to know, I don't know where I would be without my Dad.