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David is gay

by Slice_Definez November 4, 2020


David: “hero of the deed” anarchist terrorist committing acts of terror in order to inspire the working masses to revolt against the ruling class.

David is a hero, he's basically Thomas Sankara.

by silva.incognita August 1, 2022


David is a loser dick fuckwad piece of shit drunken controlling tiny sick brainless ball sack.

Oh that guy... he’s such a David.

by Durhamsucks July 15, 2020


David is the kind of guy that'll make you laugh no matter what, probably even at a funeral. He cares wayyyyy too fucking much about other people and feels like self-worth and self-love will come to him when he can finds love. which is stupid. He can be a bit of a tit sometimes because of his kindness, but all he wants in life is just someone to hold for ever.

Lol that's funny who said that, David?

by AsianEgg101 October 19, 2019


A gorgeous boy with the most wonderful attitude known to man kind loves his country compassionate person great kisser, looks so dreamy any girl would write a poem on him gives girls butterfly’s to there stomach acts tough but clumsy, actually goofy in his own way can turn any girl on by just looking at them touching them or messaging them and David’s personality is wonderful everyone loves him he’s funny kind best person you’ll ever meet don’t ever let go of David or use him he’s the best person you’ll ever meet.

David a pretty boy

by Broty November 20, 2023


David is a stinky little piss boy, who cums in his jeans whenever he sees big muscle mommies.

Oh no, I David’d in my pants!

by Definitely not turtle November 20, 2023


David is a crazy motherfucker, gay, who loves to fight and gives warning shoots

Oh no David gave me warning shoots!

by tuamadre November 22, 2021