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Ur Ancestry Full Of Faggotry

An unblockable attack on ones ancestral heritage, no force on earth can counter this insult the only option is to resign oneself to death

Robert: Hey Paul

Paul: Hey Robert guess what?
Robert: What?
Paul: "Ur ancestry full of faggotry!"
*Robert's brain immediately hemorrhages and blood gushes out of his nose while he seizes on the floor praying that the afterlife won't be cruel to him*

by Yuritz.y March 26, 2018

full sister

Girl or woman who has the same two parents in common with someone.

My full sister is a good person.

by Mr. Jacov November 23, 2019

full moon too

A big ass catches your eyesight

Well, there's a full moon outside and a full moon too. I see a giant ass.

by Random Words & Definitions November 4, 2022

Full tater

The inability to perform even the most basic task without failing epically and with no acknowledgement of your pathetic abilities

She was running while listening to music, abs was so distracted she broke her arm. Awwwman, she went full tater

by Pezola May 7, 2021

Full like a howitzer

As early as the 18th century, a drunkard was "as full as a cannon" or even a howitzer, alluding to the enormous mass of explosive charge contained in such a gun. It was only in the course of the 19th century that the howitzer was added as a reinforcement of this idiom.

Look at her, she is full like a howitzer...

by screampie July 17, 2022

Full string

A group of messages that haven't been altered. No parts deleted or manipulated.

Once the judge saw the full string, she understood there is no way I could have been part of that!

by Plankton Tat June 5, 2022

The Full Franco

When you get your dick sucked for 127 consecutive hours or until it falls off, whichever comes first.

Bringing in dozens of people to fellate me for 127 hours straight is not what I meant when I told my wife I wanted to spice things up in bed, who asks for The Full Franco.

by MarzipanCollapse April 13, 2022