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George W. Bush Presidential Library

Also known as The Tard Ferguson Center for Fail Studies, book learnin is strictly forbidden in this library. The only books in the collection are the Bible, Hardy Boys, and revisionist memoirs. All writing in the library must be done with a Magna-Doodle; pens and magic boxes (computers) are prohibited.

The George W. Bush Presidential Library is dedicated to the pursuit of freedumb through squandering billions of stolen tax dollars on failed speculative invasions of countries without militaries and the idea that bombing heaps of people to death out of fear and ignorance makes you a humanitarian.

by frick1 April 3, 2010

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George Will "Billayy" Allen

George Will "Billayy" Allen also known more commonly as Will. He is (both taste and personality wise) sweet. He is quirkey, funny, irresistable, sexayy, trustworthy, honest, open and very loveable. These words don't even discribe the incredible emotion everyone has towards him. He is the best friend anyone could every wish for.

He is sexy, honest, trustworthy and loveable.

by willayy lover March 30, 2005

1๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get a mug for your friend Georges.

do it. buy it in the store.

hey! Get a mug for your friend Georges. RIGHT NOW!

by 69 years ago July 5, 2021

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

I hate everything George does

Agitation from his breathing,chewing,and him being alive

My dad-George

I hate everything George does

by Poooooopppp111111 February 9, 2022

George C Marshall High school

The โ€œ4th best high schoolโ€ in Fairfax county/Virginia. Rivals are currently Madison and McLean. Most of the school is devised by the lower/middle class (Pimmit) and the Uppermiddle/UpperClass. Athletes say their sport records are the best, (when in reality is below the percentile.)

In reality this school is ONLY good by name, more than half of the students are narcissist and two faced jackasses. The white kids at the school (not all,) are undertone racist bitches. Not only that, but the boys are also heavily egotistical and pray on those who are weak and bully the shit out of the them. This especially happens when the people who bully are freshmen.

The staff are ignorant and moronic, they also do undertone discrimination. They do not help and they preach โ€œcome to us if you need help/support) but when you actually do, you get yelled and screamed at and be told to โ€œwork harder,โ€ some teachers target students to, and act like they donโ€™t even want to work at their job like theyโ€™re supposed to.

The girls are also heavily Narcissistic (NOT ALL), they act well mature and prepared but in reality they despise everyone in the school for some bullshit reason, they dick ride some rich douchebag boy in order to be seen as popular, they also smoke weed, and they also have sex but not say it as much as the boys. They make fun of you for the SLIGHTEST mistake,, (not all girls, but iโ€™ve seen a lot of them and this also applies to boys too)

โ€œThis advisory lessons is all about diversity for the teachers,โ€ *proceeds to discriminate you based on your ethnicity.*

โ€œIB is the best diploma you can get!โ€ (Doesnโ€™t do jackshit.

โ€œyou wanna walk around the school and pick on some innocent bystanders for no reason?โ€

โ€œGeorge C Marshall High School is the best school!โ€ (*proceeds to say the most vile racist shit no human had ever heard*)

by TesticularTorsion007 April 24, 2022

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st george girls high school

A school located in some place way too near the shire that has way too much school pride. It is the only all girls public school for miles around where the students are forced to wear ties, even worse...candy stripe ties. They have so much school pride that they are like a private school with less funding. This school is a haven for nerds and azn kids.

People try very hard to get into this school and are expelled for the stupidest reasons. For one, expelling someone because they have become pregnant or because they've had three minor strikes (for example three brushes are: 2 cases of truancy, 1 minor case of vandalism) is pretty silly. Catholic and private schools are fairer than this. Maybe if you like to study and be good you will like this school.

Also, wearing the wrong socks will get you detention. Refusal to attend detention will get you suspended. If you wear the wrong socks, you will be forced to buy some from the principal's office. Seriously,no public school is this strict on uniform. Top buttons must be done up when wearing your tie. Even though you cannot see it because the tie is done up infront of it. Also, all sleeves must be unrolled. The length of the socks is crucial. It cannot go over mid-shin and it cannot reveal any part of your ankle. What kind of public high school cares this much?

The sane people who attend this school have said "I'm leaving this school!" at least 50 times a year.




sane kid 1: You know what...If I get busted one more time, I'll be expelled...YESSSSSSSSS!

sane kid 2: Lucky! That's insane...you've only truanted once!


sane person 1: shit I'm broke.

sane person 2: what? you had ten bucks this morning!

sane person 1: Yeah, the K made me buy these socks...

sane person 2: st george girls high school sucks...

by Smidgeon of Pigeon November 8, 2006

114๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mena George Shokry Ayoub Samaan

1. An Egyptian gangsta

2. A person who shoots really interesting, but great, three point shots. Really good.

3. A person that was given too many names; or someone who obtains many credit cards with variations of his or her name

4. A male that has played basketball in swimming trunks as a youngster.

Yo I just met a Mena George Shokry Ayoub Samaan yesterday!

Mena George Shokry Ayoub Samaan and Silvya Camel are best friends!

by Silvya Camel July 6, 2009

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