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fanta with no ice

A kick ass drink made by your bitch/wife.

Thanks babe that's a real fanta with no ice.

by Poosuckmynoo May 1, 2017

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ice cream cock

is when your eating your delicious ice cream and you spill it all over your cock and your dog licks it off.

Henry the biggest nerd spilled ice cream on his cock so he could get a blow job from his dog ( ice cream cock)

Tom was getting dogjob and his dog bit his cock off now he pisses out of his mouth,ears and recently installed vagina. ( ice cream cock)

by unpimp November 21, 2007

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Misty Crystal Ice

The best and hottest ele in Guild wars.

Misty Crystal Ice helped me questing today!

by Sturm1021 January 18, 2009

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Ice cream sundae

When you cream in a girl in the back of a car on a freezing cold night.

Yeah dude last night we was chillin and I gave her an ice cream sundae before I dropped her home

by ddtown89 February 11, 2021

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lemon ice pop

A cold object in which a male fills a condom with urine, and freezes it so to give off the appearance of a yellow/lemon ice pop. It is generally as a dildo.

Hi Richard! Can I have a lemon ice pop. Make it extra cold please.

by Mr.Queefalot December 28, 2017

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Put that pussy on ice

Carefully cleaning out one's vag to the point that it is as cool as ice.

Pussy cleanin' time.

Maria: Me gusta papi..
Stevie: Wait for me in the bedroom bitch. And put that pussy on iceeee..

by KonichiFuckingWa August 25, 2021

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Ice Blue Burritos

They are… well… ummmmmm… they taste like rum

A song: ice blue burritos yum yum yum! Ice Blue burritos In my yum yum yum! Ice Blue burritos tast like rum rum rum! Ice Blue burritos… UM UM UMMMMMM!!!

by BiUnicornRules13! April 16, 2022

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