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Since we are gay.

YOLO SWAG! You only live once Since We Are Gay.

by Applesaucehotjack March 10, 2018


swag is an acronym for “sex with andrew garfield”. marauder/marvel/andrew fans use this acronym to describe what they want for christmas.

person 1: “all i want for christmas is swag”
person 2: “so you don’t want any actual presents?”
person 1: “if i had swag, my life would be complete”

by timothee&andrewaredaddy December 26, 2022


Swag: Lexi

Lexi IS swag

by Alexis Mikaelson April 25, 2021


it does not mean "secretly we are gay" you idiots . that was a meme that everyone believed and ran with it . "swag" is AAVE (african-american vernacular english) and SHOULD NOT BE USED BY NON-BLACK PEOPLE .

white person: im so swag
black person: shut up. educate yourself

by lemonfish September 30, 2021


Scientific Wild-Assed Guess
Engineers and scientists usually like precision. Except when they have no clue like the rest of us. Then they just make shit up.

Person A: Dude, I am not sure about the measurements the engineers need
Person B. Screw it, lets make a SWAG

by 97400 February 20, 2018



caiti is so swag omg omg

by jsancsnfd July 30, 2021


Alma and Vitus is the definition of swag

Wow, Vitus has a lot of swag

by VitusIsCool September 4, 2021