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burrito sock

1 Slang for condom

2 someone who is bad/to overweight to windsurf

You might want to go down to the store and pick up a couple burrito socks

That dude over there is a total burrito sock

by Boom man March 26, 2016

nigerian sock puppet

a sexual term to describe epic gamers

damn that bitch be a nigerian sock puppet

by Bangboiiiiii February 24, 2020

Cinnamon Socks

It’s like that time you went to the store, all of a sudden there’s cinnamon all over your socks. Possibly also a reference for stashing drugs in your socks.

Soaps in the box, cinnamon socks

by Yungstankrob April 17, 2021

sock shock

Related to jocksockshock - the act of catching your stepdad with his face buried in your sweaty, stinking socks and sneakers thus confirming that he is gay or bi and loves your male sweat smells -a potential source of blackmail. You now tease him in front of your mom by taking off your shoes and socks and making sure he sees your bare feet.

Dude I really wasn't sure if my stepdad was into my feet or not. I got sock shock now knowing for sure when I saw him with my sweaty socks and sneakers up to his nose.

by Watchinfool October 6, 2023

socked my cock

When your hoe puts a tube sock on your cock and starts jacking you off

Bro my hoe just socked my cock

by Cock of the sock March 18, 2016

Socks the cat

The cat owned by President Bill Clinton during his administration. A black and white tuxedo cat, Socks was one of two pets in the Clinton White House, along with a dog named Buddy. His likeness also hosted the 1990s version of the Whit House Kids website. Socks was born on March 15th 1989 in Arkansas and died at 19 yeas and 11 months in Maryland.

Person 1: Who was the best presidential pet?
Person 2: Socks the cat), obviously.

by thecrazycatten April 21, 2020

sock bleaching

When you put yo dick in a sock and jizz in it.

"Did you see John sock bleaching the other day?"
"My mom doesn't touch my socks after I sock bleach them."

by Huppalyssa February 29, 2016