A name for a male who has who both homosexual tendencies and a sexual obsession with any women named shannon. The eef beef is most commonly found in its natural habitat, Burger King, where it has been known to consume 100 of thousands of burgers.
“Look at all those cheeseburgers fatass”
“You want some Shannon don’t you eef beef”
“How many cheese burgers can you eat homo”
a roast beef party is a party where one girl takes on multiple guys at once & her vaginal area starts to look like roast beef
Hey are you going to the roast beef party later tonight?
Similar to beer pong but only played with 3 cups, women with large labia's (beef curtains) shoot a ping pong ball out of their snatch in the cup. When a cup is made the nonshooter must drink the beer out of the cup with the ball still in the cup. First women to make all 3 cups is declared the winner.
We are going to that dirty strip club in Bend to watch some girls play, Beef Pong. You in?
when you have a threesome and both girls throw your balls back and worth with the tongues
“Bro Jess and Becca played beef pong last night”
The act of subtly telling your boy that you're about to jerk off.
Son, did you see that girl!? I'm about to beef strokeoneoff.
You stand in a chalked on the floor circle, and you squirble by performing weird hand, head, neck, arm, leg movements to see who squirbles the best.
After determining who wins the squirble (Squirble can go indefinitely if nobody pulls out something that's extra ordinary and out does everyone) the winner starts the beef.
The winner chooses the fellow Squirbler to attack and does them dirty. The circle continues until the beefing is boring.
Yo lets go Squirble Beef tonight?
My grandma wanted to Squirble on this Beef.