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Jam boner

When high on opiates and are "jammed", and you can't control your erection.

Even with the nausea my jam boner won't go away.

by Fillcolons October 4, 2018

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gooch boner

The raging hard on that you get from deep within the gooch. Adds 3 to 5 inches of girth/length. Every male has these moments.

Dude, Carrie Underwood totally gives me a gooch boner.

by Girthquake69 November 6, 2015

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Boner Blind

When a guy is horny and completely oblivious to their partner's emotions and feelings and just wants to get laid.

Man, I was having a really shitty night last night and needed someone to talk to. But John was being a boner blind asshole and trying to get into my pants.

by R. Swanson February 18, 2018

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boner garden

a place where boners grow

lol i used to have a small dinger but i sent it to the boner garden now im at like 4.5 inches

by big but toucher December 12, 2016

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Boner Scale

The Boner Scale is a scale for measuring the firmness of an erection. It goes from 0-1000, zero being totally flaccid and one thousand being ready to explode.

your moms got some sweet moves, she had me at like a 750 on the boner scale

by tokinwhtguy June 13, 2010

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Bieber Boner

Something which no one really wants to see, yet is still reported on the news or other sources of media. If something is seen in the news every day we should call it "just another Bieber boner."

That segment on the news about the Republicans for gay rights was a real Bieber Boner.

by Palmer Scott June 17, 2011

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boner rockets

A huge load that is busted on a girl's face and/or genitilia

"i love shooting boner rockets in her eye"
"mom, what's that boner rocket doing on your face?"
"dad, mom said you used to take boner rockets in the ass. Is that true?"

by Marco T. May 17, 2007

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