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George W. Bush

make war not love!

war on Iraq, and still no weapons of mass destruction.

by mark larson January 27, 2004

178๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

george w. bush

winner- and unfortunately, somehow STILL president of the us- george dubya bush

I can't believe that fuckin idiot bush won 4 more years. by 2008, we'll all be dead cuz of him.

by adrian November 5, 2004

178๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

a word used to define a stupid brainless terrorist dictator

Go George W. Bush yourself

by asshole2 August 23, 2003

197๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

George Fucking Motard Wanker Bush! {Wanker IE Masturbates continiously}

The Liar and Thief in the white house!(Not for much longer!)

by MaxHeadrom December 18, 2003

231๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

spells no better than this dumb ass. too fucking stoopid to realize kim jong il has enough conventional weapons hidden in caves and hardened bunkers less than 250nm from downtown seoul korea to wipe entire city off the face of the earth long before cheney can pull the dick out of his ass. also rails against north korea, a pathetic, backward, autocratic dictatorship who, while actually having a few weapons that might actually work has no fucking way on earth to deliver said nuclear(nuklur to you gop'ers) bombs to anywhere outside of the labs where they are assembled unless calling 1 800 UPS. uses regimes such as these to hide the fact his minions are stealing your kids future, sending your jobs overseas, taking away every civil right granted by the framers and attacking a soverign country that had a pompous dirtbag dictator yet is no worse than 10 or 20 others WE SUPPORT letting iran, the REAL sponser of state terrorism and direct supporter of al-queda (along with the scum in the house of sau'd-saudi arabia-that there earl pump to you gop'ers) while greasing every skid he can so his corporate board member clown friends (cheney-halliburton, powell-gulfstream, rumsfeld-mcd/douglas, rice-chevron, feith, hadley, carlucci, arther levitt, kennard, dick darman et al Carlyle Group/TRW/BDM Intl) can steal every drop of oil and sell it mafia markups, develop oil and gas fields once unreachable in the various *stans which once controlled by the former soviet union before their breakup. and this is just the tip of the filthy trough......
but is loved by gutless,pussy,lazy,fat(and mostly male sad to say) americans who shit themselves when those fucking religious fanatics flew the planes on 9/11, and are spineless yellow cowards down deep, instead of wanting to kick THEIR saudi arabian asses, let technology and poor jobless rednecks go to the WRONG country and kick the wrong persons ass.
but stoopid people are easy to decieve.......

if George W. Bush and all his slimy cronies were not unrepentant sociopaths and could pull their greedy oily heads out of their asses long enough to see all the grief, sadness and unneeded pain he is causing all of the world save his crooked corporate board cronies, maybe he might actually act like the christian he professes to be instead of hiding his cowardly ass behind a bible like all of his lucky pierre 800 club bible beating asshole religious nut case friends and do some actual good in the world....

by cosmokid January 3, 2006

190๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

George W. Bush is the most stupid, disturbed, sinister, monkey-faced, shit-for-brains, daddys boy, nancy, call-up-dodgin, bawbag prick of an oil whore i have ever ha the misfortune to set my eyes upon. Everytime i see him claim he feels sorry for the families of the true americans he has sent to their deaths i want to smash my head into a wall out of sheer frustration. An im only Scottish. Thats why I propose that he is empeached, stripped of office and replaced by the remains of Jimi Hendrix, a true hero, who would probably do a better job.

How can 210 million people be so stupid?

by bobby robertson January 28, 2005

428๐Ÿ‘ 217๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

Monkey who looks like Alfred E. Newman. George W. Bush is quite possibly the worst president that America has ever had its hard to decide though Nixon and Regan were shit too. If Bush would just resign because he never won the presidency at all i think the entire smart half of the US will appreciate it. And for you radical christians out there, get a life how can you like a god who descrased a mortal woman and had a son and then proceeded to say sex is bad.

George W. Bush is a fucking idiot

by A bush hater March 27, 2005

320๐Ÿ‘ 160๐Ÿ‘Ž