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Has unlimited rizz, will steal your girl. Everyone falls in love with him and wants to be around him because he is so attractive and sexy

Lucas is Fucking Sexy

by Zixxy June 1, 2023


Hot as fuck and has a big dick and ass he has
Red hair and is tall

Lucas is hot as fuck

by poi87654e3wqasxdcvbnm,jhgfds May 27, 2022


Someone who probably plays among us and is most stupid, annoying person you will ever meet

He's such a Lucas

by Soyamilk February 3, 2022


A creepy, anime-obsessed, dark skinned teenager who prays on girls under the age of 14.

"Yesterday after school this Lucas was following me, I managed to lose him on the subway tho."

by anal_simp69 November 22, 2021

Luca maronese

a person who hacks kahoot and wins every time

your Luca maronese

by September 22, 2020

Gabby and lucas

Two “best friends” who would flirt very often and have now just recently gotten together without tell one of there besties “eexposinglucasandgabby” aka “Cian” that there together but told a bunch of random people

Gabby and Lucas think everything eachother do is hot

by eexposinglucasandgabby July 15, 2021

Luca hoyle

a hot sexy

woah did u see Luca hoyle?
yes he is sexy

by Rileythebakaking September 26, 2021