Source Code

Year 10 mocks

Please kill me

I have my Year 10 mocks tomorrow

by Paragon98X March 21, 2022

10 finger dunk

After you’ve used all 10 of your fingers to get a single woman to climax

Jane glowed and exclaimed “Tom gave me the 10 finger dunk and knocked the cobwebs out last night.”

by Tomandjane September 27, 2021

Class 10-B

Undeniably the worst batch of Grade 10.
if ykyk

Aditya: Man this year went so bad.
Anvi: You could almost compare it to-
Srishti: ooh ooh that waste of a class 10-B, remember?

by bigdickcynical February 20, 2021

Iraqi 10

A woman that, back in the United States, wouldnt rate more than a 6 on the female hotness scale, but during a war deployment, is treated as a "10" or a beauty queen, because there's no other women around.

Man, did you see that "butterface"?
You must not have been in-country long. Give it a month or two, and she will be an Iraqi 10 for you, dude.

by pl crusty September 28, 2016

Girl 10% Rule

Women (or girls) are required to leave at least 10% of their food behind on their plate, no matter the quantity or volume of food involved.

She left part of that bagel behind. It's the girl 10% rule in action!

by Semaj55 January 17, 2025