After you’ve used all 10 of your fingers to get a single woman to climax
Jane glowed and exclaimed “Tom gave me the 10 finger dunk and knocked the cobwebs out last night.”
Undeniably the worst batch of Grade 10.
if ykyk
Aditya: Man this year went so bad.
Anvi: You could almost compare it to-
Srishti: ooh ooh that waste of a class 10-B, remember?
A woman that, back in the United States, wouldnt rate more than a 6 on the female hotness scale, but during a war deployment, is treated as a "10" or a beauty queen, because there's no other women around.
Man, did you see that "butterface"?
You must not have been in-country long. Give it a month or two, and she will be an Iraqi 10 for you, dude.
Women (or girls) are required to leave at least 10% of their food behind on their plate, no matter the quantity or volume of food involved.
She left part of that bagel behind. It's the girl 10% rule in action!