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Cool Math Games

A website that (usually bored students) used to play free games. It is also the death of schools and teachers.

"Bro, I just finished grinding this game on cool math games; I completely missed whatever Mrs. Williams just said."
"I think it was something about decomposers. I was playing Cool Math too."

by Kingdoms of Fear Project March 8, 2022

Cool math games

literally everyone's childhood in one website

yo bro, remember when we use to play cool math games when we were younger

by CODE_R3BIRTH April 29, 2021

Is Sam very cool


Is Sam very cool?


by asjdhasdfvhas February 7, 2022


when you take a short-cut and it ends up being super cool.

When Ryan and i were on our way to the skate park earlier, we decided to go through the abandoned lot and it ended up bein' a cool-cut!

by sexbagelsk8er March 21, 2010

cool cool cool cool morale morale morale

what amy santiago told terrance jeffords after him outdoing her in "raising morale|

cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale

by keyboardsmashingsound January 19, 2023

cool biker dude

a cool biker dude is a little boy who roars like a tiger and bounces on his motorcycle. He is the coolest biker dude.

cool biker dude

by February 13, 2021

hehe do ur like ducked go I it’s cool

Some drunk who always thinks he’s Connor

Mcgregor when he has a couple drinks and is most likely to end up on a t shirt if he got in a fight

A example of a unsuccessful night is when you say “hehe do ur like ducked go I it’s cool”

by hehe do ur like ducked go I it November 5, 2022