This is what you call someone who is super smart but also a douche-bag to the point they, normally a he, gets banned from discord server just for using facts, logic, and triggering people who cannot comprehend the truth. This person is sexy, super smart, can count 1 to 0.
"Facts, check. Logic, check. Triggered, yes. You have a Booch Brain, man."
The loss of all rational thought as a person is overcome with an inhuman urge to gorge on fatty junk food and let themselves completely go.
Brian, barely able to breathe and struggling to remain upright through the onset of a severe food coma, blamed pig brain taking him over as he reached for another box of donuts.
A bug that does the opposite of the Woke Brain Virus, making people believe that landowners have the right to violently impose their will on people using the resources of the land the claim to own and that people who oppose the will of people claiming ownership of land should be able to dictate government policy are mentally ill from the Woke Brain Virus and are enemies of the state.
All of the anti-transgender executive orders are the result of the broke brain virus working in President Trump and his base.
To suck off on someones penis.
"I gave him that royal brain last night"
Someone who has a low IQ, isn't smart, dumb or has no braincells or all of them combined.
Mr. Y: Her brain doesn't brain
Mr. X: Her brain is water
Mr. Y: LMAO.. Yes she's water girl now with water brain
Mr. X: :skull:
MR X: her brain is water, water brain
A line from the video "history of the entire world, i guess". Used to illustrate the rapid and perhaps frightening pace at which modern technology has advanced.
Surprise! Flying robots... with bombs. Wanna print a brain? Some people have no friends. Some people have no food. The globe is warming, and the oceeaann is full of plastiiiic~