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Nugget is a word the YouTuber DankPods uses for DirtyBuds and such.
“Tony is a nugget
“IM a nugget..”

The 2011 MacBook Pro is a nugget

by Pinvo March 26, 2023


a word that starts with a n, has 2 gs, and followed by e.

Trump: What starts with a N, has 2 gs, and followed by an e?
Biden: It is obama
Trump: No u racist dick its nugget.

by average discord mod April 25, 2024


Someone who has undergone arm and leg amputation through any means or for any reason.

"Hey man guess what? I fucked a Nugget yesterday."

"only bad part about fucking a Nugget is there's no where to hold down."

by Everyone, Ever. August 24, 2016


the name of a very dumb looking but smart individual. if you see them you'll think there dumb and childish and weird but there acualy very smart and weird! he would also be possesive about some thing and may not have very many friends. he also may have a dark secret hes keeping! and his favorite grade was kindergarten!

nugget loves his nuggets!

by Eliot sans December 18, 2019


Someone or something adorable cute and huggable. Many times of a smaller stature.

Tammy: Annie's little brother is such a nugget!
Debbie: I know right?!

by unsaltypretzels September 1, 2014


What you call someone younger than you that is also smaller

My lil cousin is such a nugget.
What's good lil nugget

by Tomorrowlilhomie May 13, 2017


Some one who is a nugget could be either really stupid and have said something dumb or could be amazing and such a great friend!

Don't be a chicken wing be a nugget

by Emiliepemily July 2, 2017