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your number one hater.Will try and bring you down on any victory, big or small you achieve and will try to sabatage any future ones aswell.

Person 1:"I aced my math test today"
Person 2:"You suck i aced 5 math tests kys"
Person 1:"Stop being such an Adam"

by Beno1t November 3, 2023


Adam is the only person that you will ever need. He’s kind and hot and just wicked smart. He may seem a bit odd at times, but he makes that all up with his great personality.

You’ll first meet him and think that he’s standoffish, he might seem a bit intimidating with how smart he is— but then you’ll realize how great of a person he is and how much of a marshmallow he is.

Adam is the sweetest person you will ever encounter. Never lose your Adam, because you will never find another like him.

Hey have you seen Adam today? He looked so cute and just won debate state in pfd

by amywhinehouseinthusiast February 15, 2023


An Arab boy who is usually suspected of acts of terrorism by his friends. He likes to make 9/11 jokes and even though he tries to hide it, he secretly loves men.

Adams usually find a small friend group full of nerds and losers who he can bully to make himself feel better, and he takes pleasure in making himself feel more powerful than others.

Did you hear where Adam was on September 11th?

by Greg Moncarlo June 4, 2024


The most handsome boy you’ll ever meet, he’s shy and awkward but that makes you fall harder. He will be nervous around you if he likes you and has the dreamiest curly hair. If you manage to get yourself an Adam, never let him go. He’s one in a million and you’ll never find another like him.

Adam is really cute

by Rowina Williams January 16, 2020


An extremely sexy ruggedly handsome man who pulls all of the spicy senoritas and the baddies. An alpha male in all aspects of the word and lowkey a playa.

Hey look how sexy that guy over there is.
Oh yeah I would smash any day.
His name is probably Adam due to the fact that he is An extremely sexy ruggedly handsome man who pulls all of the spicy senoritas and the baddies. An alpha male in all aspects of the word and lowkey a playa.

by October 11, 2021



Who's that?

by ilrhanakokun October 22, 2020


Adam is my heart defined in one word. Nothing can describe how gorgeous, intelligent, caring, honest, loving, and amazing he is. Everyday I feel so lucky to have him in my life. His presence gives me so much peace and tranquility. He is my best friend, my angel, my love, and everything I could've ever hoped for. Seeing this man's face gives me butterflies every time, hearing his laugh makes me fall in love with him more, and having conversations with him makes me want him more every second. When I'm not near him, I wish I were. If you know Adam, don't ever let him go. If you do, you 100% don't have your head screwed on straight. Don't let him go, be his girl forever. I am so glad that I am his.

Friend: Heyy who is that hot guy??
Adam's gf: That's Adam

Friend: Is he single??
Adam's gf: Nope, hes mine and back off. he's perfect :)

by Mama Panda April 15, 2024