The method used by old (and sometimes young) men when preparing to eat a handful of nuts. First fill the palm of the hand with nuts, lightly close the hand, and shuffle back and forth before bringing the hand up to drop a few perfectly positioned nuts in the mouth. Technique can be applied to any small loose snack or candy. The shuffle motion is comparable to that used when shaking dice for gaming.
Can you believe Uncle Frank ate a whole 1 pound bag of trail mix??!! His wrist must’ve been sore from all of the old man nut shuffle action.
When a man has to pleasure two women, so he puts a double ended dildo in his anus so he can pleasure the other woman on his back-thrust.
"Dude, I had to fuck two girls, but I also needed my anal fix, so I gave them ye olde Saskatoon seesaw."
Spirit airlines lead technician that always falls asleep.
Old man Vic Jr. fell asleep when he was doing the turnover last night,
When someone is giving a blowjob and they tuck their teeth behind their lips, making their face look like an old lady with no teeth, gummin' your dick around her mouth.
She's hot, but she gave me the old lady thin lip on my tip.
2👍 1👎
a phrase used to specifically describe when you are suddenly surrounded by foul-mouthed, pre-pubescent children who probably are between 6th and 9th grade. Often have squeaky, non-threatening voices and colorful streams of language.
"You're f***ing gonna pay, you f***ing little c***!"
*sarcastic tone* "Oh no! Its attack of the 12-year-olds!"
Something that primary school kids say to insult each other, or give a really bad backhanded compliment. Together, the first letters of each word equal “COOL”.
Person 1: hey, you’re cool
Person 2: thanks!
Person 1: you’re a Constipated Overrated Old Lady!
Person 2: *leaves*
The Queen of England dusty pussy
The Queen of England has a "old english hot pocket"