A bunch of messages don't happen to be the truth. Not "Used to describe people who don’t have their brain and only follow other people to make their decisions" that someone put for No personality. When someone says that someone else has no personality, it typically means that the person is boring or lacks interesting or noteworthy qualities. /
That has no personality.
The type of person who is extremely musty and has a distinct type of smell. Typically also thinks they’re funny when they’re just loud and smelly.
what’s the wretched smell ?
smells like a Peanut Butter Person to me
a person that is popular and everyone likes them because no other person doesn't not like them.
They are just perfect!
You know that you are an O.F. person right?
Everyone likes you, you are an O.F. person.
This is a type of person who has a very specific type of hatred towards a people group or ethnicity. More specifically the nupid retendes people who derive from ancestors who lived mud huts in the space solar regions of the multiverse universe galaxies solar systems and beyond. They’re their because they were on the adventure of a lifetime for a massive surplus of anal beads and butt plugs from semen spider monsters on the other side of the mega multiverse of shemale originating organisms. they inhabit the stars and gas planets which anger the reagan ronaldson peoples because they has misogynist ideals of shemales to exterminate them
Random White Man:
I hate the Nupid stiggers i mean shemales i mean nupid retendes people i think i guess or something im not sure
Feminist: Your a Reagan Ronaldson person
1👍 1👎
a character or individual who shall remain unnamed due to their track record of targetting and harassing anyone who tries to bring to light the truth of their actions. usually someone who has blatantly shown to disregard the rule of law as well as practicing bad faith and relies on string man arguments and obvious lies to twist a narrative to their favor for selfish reasons
bystander1: that "certain nameless person" really does show no shame don't they?
red and white reporter: that "certain nameless person" has decided to go after anyone who tries to go against their narrative, what a shame, what a shame indeed
-i opened that had a sign that said see the most racist person on earth as i opened it there it was i was staring at the most racist person ever- it turns out i was staring into a mirror
the most racist person ever is ob...........