When you would rather walk a certain amount of km's to your house from your current location in order to leave an uncomfortable environment.
"I would rather walk the 8k's home than deal with Sharon right now as she is making me feel really uncomfortable".
The amount of beers consumed while walking from one destination from another (ex: cabin to boat dock)
Although the fishermen had a case of beer waiting in the boat, they first needed a six pack of walking beer to get them from the cabin to the dock.
To be so high and couch locked that you have to slide one ass cheek then slide the other in order to make it off the couch
This Skywalker og will have you so high you’ll be “walking on your ass cheeks”
The 'Assassin Walk' is the mythical representation that the Assassin's from "Assassin's Creed' are the creators of the first Gangsta Walk. This mythical representation is taken from the 'Assassin's Creed' games. Notably: 'Assassin's Creed (The First Game)', 'Assassin's Creed II', 'Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood', 'Assassin's Creed: Revelations', and essentially most or all PSP affiliated 'Assassin's Creed' games.
The actual walk is to walk with your hands, wrists and arms back and walk with only your shoulders moving.
The real Assassin's that existed way back then may have actually walked like that to be aware of possible surrounding attackers.
Friend: Dude, you walking like a Gangsta! You can't do that, you ain't a Gangsta like me.
Assassin Walker: You're right... I'm not a gangsta. That's why I'm using the 'Assassin Walk'. I'm walking like from the creators of your precious Gangsta walk.
when a person somewhat waddles, but mainly only on one leg.
Almost in a "scooping" fashion; they are scooping with one leg. It adds extra emphasis when the person has longer hair that sways behind them when they 'scoop-walk'
person 1: "Hey, check out Trevor, man. He sure is scoop-walkin' today!"
person 2: "Haha ayy, day go duh scoop!"
person 1: "Haha, he's lame!"
An excellent cardiovascular exercise. Many people probably think that it's not so effective because it's not running and 'just walking', when really it can actually be just as good for weight loss as jogging.
Also, power walking is not simply walking at a faster pace. That's brisk walking. Power walking is walking at a fast pace (probably often even faster than brisk walking) with an arm swing.
Joe: Hey Alex, I'm going to be power walking a marathon tomorrow!
Alex: Ok, that's impressive, I guess.
Joe: Not just walking though. Power walking!
Alex: How hard can power walking a marathon be? You're just walking at a faster pace.
(READ "PAVLE WALK" TO UNDERSTAND) The Pavle Walk Stage 2 is when on the Pavle walk and cannot find a child so you enter there home and take their kid while there sleeping. After Taking there kid you leave a note behind saying "YOU HAVE BEEN PAVLED." And leave the house with their child (Typically a boy).
Person 1: Hey i'm on the Pavle walk and cant find any little boys
Person 2: That's okay! Just do the Pavle walk stage 2!
Person 1: That's a great idea why didn't I think of that!