A female who puts on a lil extra show for that lil extra tip. Whether cash, cheap liquor, a random ride, or second hand electronics (used ipods, ipads, dre beats, blu ray players).
You can immediately identify a Tip Thot from their joy after receiving or being offered a tip or gift. These tips and or gifts will NOT exceed the amount of a basic metro pcs single account bill (usually $30)
A Tip Thot will celebrate a tip more than the pay from hours of honest labor she put in. Also a Tip Thot will put her thotself in harms way by accepting rides from any and all Flayers (fake Players). Allowing them to drop them where they stay, rest, or where their crazy baby daddy is.
A Tip Thot will spend an addition hundred or more to keep her face, nails, and outfits on Fleek! Just to attract more Flayers for tips and or gifts. You can find most Tip Thots in any public non Degree needed places of employment. Where the rate of random Flayers increases by the half hour. Most times doubling up to (2) flayers at a time.
Note: A Tip Thot is NOT guaranteed Sex, but is easy passenger eye candy in a vehicle if attractive. Or makes for interesting sexting between relationships
Man, i met this "tip thot" with the cake booty.. i hit her off with some change and got the number
"Nice thot stains...did you get those last night?"
"I spy some thot stains on your neck..."
"Troy gave me thot stains and now I need to cover them from my mom"
"Can I use that scarf? I need to cover my thot stains"
When a girl hangs out with like 50 guys instead of focusing on schoolwork.
Rimsha went on a thot spring with 50 guys, ahmed, dylan and john. Damn that girl was on the mean thot spring. It sure wasn't holy
A hoe that only goes for them fat greasy dudes
Yo emily is a tator thot...why, shes going out with Grey.
thot who knows what they are doing but just don't care who , what or where they mouth goes .
amber cole , she was being a geekyy thot by , sucking dick outside of a school .
A girl that thinks she’s funny but she really isn’t.
That girl is a TIK TOC THOT.!! Not to be confused with thot
To expose to thot like behavior
Damn daniel you bout get thot-blasted wearin those white vans.