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A person(s) who is continuously a bitch/douche bag.

Someone who says/does things to intentionally put you down or upset you.

It can also refer to a group of people doing something to intentionally hurt/upset an individual or animal.

Gosh, Ted is being such a Douche-Nugget, did you hear what he said to Emily?

That poor dog, those Douche-Nuggets keep throwing rocks at it.

by Nadisaurusrex October 8, 2013

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A word used to described an intolerable person. Like a popcicle, only, instead of grape or strawberry, frozen extra-cleansing vinegar douche.

Boy, that guy Steve is such a douche-sicle!

by TheycallmeSpecialK August 12, 2011

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Douche Flap

(Not to be confused with actual douche/hygiene-maintenance equipment)

Someone who goes way beyond the normal, standard definition of an asshole. Usually used as a term to describe/direct one's anger (and in some cases, absolute rage) at someone who is pissing them off to a very high degree.

Synonyms: see ass clown, Assclown McDouche

"Sweet fucking Jesus tits! Look at this douche flap cutting me off!" Nice driving asshole!"

"Even though I have higher qualifications, Henry gave the promotion to that fucking douche flap Dave who isn't even here half the time!"

by Brownie O May 11, 2012

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A T-shirt, primarily worn by douche bags, that clearly defines why the wearer is, in fact, a douche bag. These shirts mag include but are not limited to the following phrases: "free-lance vagina inspector", "im not a gyno, but ill take a look", "laugh so i can see em bounce", "smile if you arent wearing any panties.

-Did you see that guys douche-t?
-Absolutely. In a shirt like that, the only vagina he'll see he will be paying for on the internet.

by kh2507 February 24, 2011

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douche bag

1.some asshole who thinks they are hot shit and know everything

2.an object used for putang cleaning

1. God look at douche over there he thinks hot shit.
2. Jees i could really use a douche bag.

by douche101 July 19, 2009

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douche bag

1. a name u call someone whos an idiot
2. something used to clean ur vagina, usually used after ur period.

1. he is such a douche bag!!!
2. my friend looked up the word douche bag on wikipedia and it said a bag for douching.

by xcometxrulesx October 15, 2010

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douche bag

a complete jackass that has not idea what they are talking about and calls people cut bags

Arron Leubner is a douche bag

by V C is ur ruler August 7, 2011

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