When your the king...
and the man
the king man : make the first move kid
everyone: 🤣
Make a person clinch their fist by fucking and/or more
Want to make me clinch my fist?😉
Oh really? How'd you figure that out!?
Hym " 'We know how to make AGI now' he says! How'd you figure that out!? 'We DIDN'T! The greatest mind who has ever lived did it for us on urban dictionary!"
A South African term popular in the Coloured community. Making ghaai is essentially to make fun of someone, to have a roasting battle. It's also considered ghaai to give someone a somewhat offensive nickname based on a prominent physical feature of theirs. Most likely it's an Afrikaans nickname.
(make ghaai someone who wears specs)
nickname: kyk vir Harry Potter
A South African term popular in the Coloured community. Making ghaai is essentially to make fun of someone, to have a roasting battle. It's also considered ghaai to give someone a somewhat offensive nickname based on a prominent physical feature of theirs. Most likely it's an Afrikaans nickname.
(make ghaai of someone who wears specs)
nickname: kyk vir Harry Potter
Another definition of true love. Basically a hotter way of saying "let's kiss." If you tell your partner "u make me wanna fart" you two are definitely soulmates.
person 1: u make me wanna fart
person 2: dayuuum shawty bbg.....
person 1: let's kiss
person 1 & 2: *violently makes out*
To make money. Used in older generations.
"I'm off to work!"
"Cool! Go make those donuts."