Sthuthi defines about praising God
Angel defines the messenger of God
Sthuthi angel- praising angel
Sthuthi angel - praising angel or a messenger of God
a big ass fuckin boomblaster, you use at parties for making it funnier.
dude at party: wow this sound is amazing.
host at party: yeah i know, its my music angel.
Angelical Sisters is a Roblox group with AMAZING members! Owned By Kenji, And Leo. The Staff are Amazing, The campers are Amazing, You know it!
Lusk: Hey, Mikan. Wanna play Angelical Sisters?
Mikan: Sure!
tanner fox's best friend who's a crazy good scooter rider sponsored by scooter farm and a youtube
jake angeles... you mean tanner fox's best friend?
Angel Hypnotica is a famous Drag Queen, Fashion Icon and outspoken Online Creator who changed and influenced the Drag Game.
"Hey, did u hear about this artist called Angel Hypnotica?"- " OMG, of course! She is that bitch, periodt!"
Pulling a Angel is when life is so good and your veiny ahh dih is super happy and you go to the barber and he doesn’t pull a barber goonsuitcasing
Man today I was pulling a Angel
Pulling an Angel is when your being such a good friend and people adore you and things are just going your way and when you just HATE BEABADOBE aka yabadabadoo
Man your life is good your pulling a Angel