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A REALLY bad iPod rip-off. Like TERRIBLE.


by LegendaryIsReal December 21, 2022


Nuggets are a fan base for Nessa barrett. And they range from about 10-13. They are more mature than you think so if you hate on them they dont take it offensive they think its funny.

Hater: Nessa is so ugly sharty pants
nugget: lmao
Nuggets are so nice

by Anonymouss writter😘 January 19, 2021


A blonde kid with a seemingly yellow or orange checkered shirt and blue pants. He is known to be a kid who is seen as a dumb kid. He can read but cannot read bad handwriting. He has also hidden 5 nuggets of friendship in his first school and on some occasions bitten of his arm in his second school. But his dumbness just hides what he can really do. If you collect 25 talismans in his first school, he will use red lighting on everyone left in the playground. If you collect 50 talismans in his second school, he will start by snapping half of his classmates and school faculty members into dust then proceed to blast the rest with lightning that makes every blasted's head fly into the sky. He also randomly has a crush on one of his classmates he turns to dust in his second school and for some reason do nothing to her brother. He also mostly uses third person and only uses first person when introducing himself.


Nugget is very very vicious and slightly weird

by CountryFlagCapitalBoi July 25, 2022


An individual who is equal to or under 5”10 and is physically jacked, thus resembling the appropriate of a humanoid shaped McDonald’s Chicken Nugget

Holy shit, that bloke is such a nugget.

by Huangy_ November 17, 2022


someone who keeps tripping over every fuckin object

person 1: hey look at that girl running she keeps tripping

person 2: yeah she's a real nugget

by _potato_queen_ February 5, 2019


Another word for mp3 player

usually small device that plays music

Guy 1 : Look at this nugget I got from goodwill

Guy 2 : I bet the sound quality sucks

by I_eat_beans_bruh May 26, 2024


Sweet, delicious, scrumptious, orgasmic, synthetic chicken meat

Guy 2: Welcome to Micky Dicks how may I help you?

Guy 8: yea let me get fifty piece nugget..

Guy 2: umm excuse me?!

Guy 8: You heard me bitch

by Cumblastedflakes December 17, 2018