Giving oral sex and using teeth to make gashes in penis and/or vagina
Bryce gave ricco a feisty harry.
Was a great video until he got to the part were he decides that because Sam's "greater good/manufactured God of curating the reality of stupid people" is a warped and narcissistic enterprise that is entirely dependent on subordinating the will of the masses to his dogmatic liberalism; it means that we NEED God instead. Which is literally that SAME THING as religion.
Hym "Sam Harris' Terrifying Philosophy is literally just a 'God that Sam Harris controls.' That's literally all it is!"
Mas Rharis "We don't need God! We need Jeff Goldblum from Jurassic Park to manufacture a God out of a "greatter good abstraction" and the use the state to enforce the will of this greater good abstraction! They don't have free will anyway! So it doesn't matter what I have to do to get the societal outcomes I desire!"
A man who puts money in the stonks market and holds gme to the moon
Did you hear about D-Bag Harris he lost all his savings.
Known for 🦵that👨🏿🐶📴the✈️
I pulled a “Vaughn Harris” on my plane ride
Some girl with weave she be always asking me for work she's so disrespectful and she forgot to pat her weave
Aniya harris always making me give my work to her and ast week she gave me the middle finger when i was leaving and she is a thotiana
A mean ass cheating loser who can't keep to himself. He has 0 respect and the memory of a goldfish.
He just like that harry o'donnell.
This little white bitch who thinks she can say things like “nigger” and “nigga” even though she is an albino white child whose family is all white but she glams this friend of hers who is black is her sister..she clams she is a “blood” even though you will catch her wearing blue and shit like that.She also clams that she is mixed when her parents are both white. She also gets her hair braided and wears bandanas to convince people she is mixed.She also acts like she was raised in the hood or something she talks like it and etc. She also tries to act really tough shes always in drama she is fake asl one second she will call you her bestfriend and the next she will be making fun of you.stayy away from her and her fake ass black ass wanna be self and thats in periodtt as she would say
thats aleah gianna harris the fake bitch